Wednesday 19 November 2014


Ok so I've obviously posted a link to the social network of your liking in the hope that you won't bypass it or assume it to be one of those jarring miracle vitamin virus links. So you're here and why pre tell?
I have been writing for years since the 80's when in some parts it wasnt 'cool' for a Black girl to write poetry or deemed a taciturn task for her to want to write short stories in her teens. Thank God that foolishness has somewhat ceased (me thinks) and geek is now chic, being a writer whom is Black doesn't carry such a shock factor, and the fact I'm now too old to give a hoot about what nomenclature people think I should be in and make it my duty not to fit the status quo! So there (sticks out tongue)....
A mother of 5 , wife, sister, daughter,employee, child of God and passionate writer, I now open the door to you and yours to read my weekly rants, epiphanies, research notes, poetry, view my pics, peruse my anedocdotes and scribbles. To be honest there may be days I write in laymans, the next in the highest academic standard (says she) and others where I have a good old ramble..thus the name notes n scribbles. To be honest I enjoy writing in any format although playwriting and research are highest on my list. So therefore inbetween and around working, nurturing, cleaning, cooking, and everything else, I spend my time writing and will give you a little sneek peak every week (poetry of the corniest kind there...maybe not the best start ey?!)

So introductory ramble over welcome and enjoy!

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