Monday 5 January 2015

Happy New Year, Whats Your New Years Resolution?

Hi, Happy New Year. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.  Ok so it's 2015, a new year, so what was your New Years Resolution? That's the usual question you get asked this time of year. This is because right now in thousands, no millions of homes, worldwide I might add, there are newly dedicated dieters, gym fanatics, newly found meditators, people battling the urge to ditch the ryvita for a chocolate muffin (ok ok that's me) and people surfing the net or rummaging through stores to pin down their new look for 2015.
So what does it all mean? This new years resolution fad. I always remember the grown ups discussing it post Christmas over left over turkey, usually on Boxing day when everyones eating like its still the 25th and justifying their binge eating with the foreshadowing of their new year. As for me I haven't bought into it this time around. I've realised that a new year is just a continuation of last year. Well that's not rocket science you may say? If so then why do we somehow wipe the slate clean each year? Its not as if your gas bill is due, the company are going to say 'lets leave that in 2014', now that would be something. If we're honest it gives us hope, its encouraging to think of all things new and a blank page. That much I agree with. However, here's where I have the problem. Millions of people making and breaking promises they made to guess who? Themselves. This made me think. If you're anything like me you will commit to a lot of things for others, at work, in family, your children, your sibling, a friend, the gas company ha ha but can often be disloyal to yourself. It's so easy to make plans for yourself and change them. You don't have to feel that bad, there's no condescending  glances, no look of disappointment, you can't send yourself an e mail of rebuke, well we can have that 'stare at oneself in the mirror moment' however for many of us it doesn't sit as badly as disappointing others.
My new year started roughly 6 weeks ago. I went on a calorie counting diet, starting writing again after having my baby (whom is currently fast asleep in his crib for now ) Utterly hated every moment of the calorie counting diet though . Who would of thought this once svelt size 8 would be twice the size and ditching my daily intake of all things sweet and decadent for shrubbery and bird food. Yet thus was my fate 5 children later. Well worth it yet a bitter sweet all the same! Yet after many a chai tea and deep reflection I decided I would be loyal to myself. This isn't so much about putting myself first as personally as a mumma, I have to be a tad selfless, they do really come first in my world. However, in those pockets of time I am blessed with, where it's just me and my thoughts I must admit I can be guilty of letting other things, other people steal what is meant for me. I mean I am guilty going to the spa for a facial and allowing my mind to compartmentalise  the various activities of my children and what attire I need to get out for each one .
Ok ok enough rambling, so what does this being loyal to yourself really mean? It definitely doesn't mean waiting for a new year to make some decisions for the betterment  of your own life. Technically I should have been having a fireworks party and counting down in November, yet to protect the image of my sanity (which with 5 children and working in my field is already somewhat tarnished) I went along with the tradition with everyone else to some extent, counting down on 31st  December; you know, not to disturb the status quo. You see making promises to yourself when not part of a tradition are so much easier to keep. Being part of a fad never really lasts and before you once yo-yo dieters start professing your new found serious side, I don't believe everyone who made a new years resolution will fail only 88% of you (according to a 2007 survey ). Plus the origin itself gets the thumbs down from me. It all started when the  Babylonians made their gods promises every year...I'm not dabbling in that thanks! 

Now don't  get me wrong I've done my fair share of affirming, declaring etcetera and can't completely say that the New Year doesn't  still arise some of the old feelings it conjured up in years gone by; reflection, change in this area or another. I'm  not perfect yet have learnt to look at life throughout the year as well.

Just question why you had to wait until the close of one year to know exactly what you wanted. Indeed its a new season, but unlike the seasons that exist in terms of weather, we have a say in the seasons that take place in our lives. I guess I'm saying why wait for a specific date, be loyal to yourself, make promises to yourself and keep them, reflect on life often not after a year of different events some you enjoyed, some you regret.  I guess what I'm  trying  to say is you matter, you count and anything that's going to make your life better doesn't need to be put off and tucked away until tradition says yes, start today!!

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